Saturday, July 26, 2008


I am amazed at what is already taking place in the development of our baby(s). Wednesday marked the beginning of week 5. My update says that this week, "Your baby is about the size of a sesame seed, and he looks more like a tiny tadpole than a human. The big development this week: Your baby's brain is beginning to grow! It develops from the neural tube, a structure that will also spawn your baby's spinal cord, nerves, and backbone. In the meantime, the primitive placenta and umbilical cord, which deliver nourishment and oxygen to your baby, are already on the job. " It is just blows my mind that something the size of a sesame seed is already developing a brain. How could anyone question the existance of a God when they look at the intricate details of a human life. Conception, creation and growth are all miracles to me! And knowing that one or two of those miracles is growing inside of me thrills my heart more than I can express.

This week I have definately felt some of the early pregnancy symptoms including some serious sleepiness and occassional nausea if I have not eaten in a while and of course the many trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night have continued. I think Justin would testify that I have also been quite sensitive and instead of being my somewhat feisty self I am a little bit more weepy. I will say though I really do feel pretty good and each symptom is really just a reminder of the miracle happening inside me. Last night Justin read to the pearl(s) for the first time. He read a really sweet book I bought for him called, "You're My I Love You." I have also been doing lots of reading to find out what is happening with my and the pearl(s) right now. I have also been doing lots of reading on what I should and should not be doing right now and let me just say there is a lot of information out there. The nutrition information alone is pretty overwhelming. I decided to sign up for a free online pregnancy food journal to help keep up with the nutrients I am getting because there are a lot of them to keep up with. I have also been trying to walk in the evenings and I bought a couple of pregnacy exercise videos so I can try and stay in shape and hopefully make the labor a little easier. I am learning that our social calendar is going to have to be limited to weekends because during the week just being at work takes most of my energy so I typically come home and take a long nap before dinner. Justin has been great and has been cooking for me and taking really good care of me and the baby(s). We are really looking forward to August 4th and finding out how many blessings we have to look forward to meeting in March!

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