Sunday, February 14, 2010


We recently have made a big decision and change for our family. We have started attending Beltway and joined a Life Group there. It has been a very exciting few weeks to see God really working in our lives. I have felt very refreshed and renewed in my walk with God. I have also been removed from my comfort zone and God is definitely stretching me and I’m pretty sure Justin would say the same. We are currently doing a church wide study on the power of the Holy Spirit and I am just soaking it up. Every week I am so anxious to hear what God is going to teach me through the sermon because every week I’m learning something new and really being challenged and forced to think about some topics I had always avoided because they took me out of my comfort zone. One thing the pastor said today that really got me thinking is that if we choose to not to use the spiritual gifts God has gifted us with we are withholding God’s grace from those that need it because the reason God gave us our spiritual gifts is to use them to minister to others so they might see God’s grace. So I encourage you to think about that… what is your spiritual gift and how are you using it?

1 comment:

Katie K said...

We always love going to Beltway when we are in town. So exciting to hear that you are "Stretching!"