Monday, May 10, 2010

The Best Mother's Day Gift of All

We had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! Justin's mom got to be here to celebrate with us. We all went to church together and then the guys fixed lunch for us- Papa made brisket, dad made potato salad and Justin made sinfully delicious banana pudding! Justin and Ava spoiled me with some gift cards and my next year of my blog printed in a book, this one is from her birth to her first birthday. My favorite gift of all though was when my dad was holding Ava and she reached for me and when I took her she laid her head on my shoulder and patted my back and said mama very sweetly, the first time she has actually said that word! I have waited months for that and of course she has repeated it since then but that's okay with me!

This paper Keller wrote about his mom was mom is 18 years mom is really good at doing her homework, she does it all the mom likes to cook macaroni and cheese!

And this was our entertainment for the afternoon, the boys decided it was funny to put on me and Natalie's shoes and run down the hall in them. This photo will be retained for future embarrassment with girlfriends!


Anonymous said...

HOORAY! So glad she said Mama finally and what a special day to say it. Glad you had a great Mother's Day. I like her looks so sweet on her!:)
Let's do dinner soon.

Robyn said...

you are truly a special mom!

Hannah S. said...

Lovely ladies! So happy for you all to be together on your special day. Love you!