While 2, almost 3 can be a tootie age it can also be a very amusing age. Our almost 3 year old is constantly making us laugh, smile and melt with the precious, funny and witty things she comes up with so thought I'd share some.
The other night we were reading Olivia and Ava called Francine in the Olivia book "Fancy Rine"
Ava recently told me my wedding rings were her special wedding rings and that she was going to wear them and her pretty white dress, and white shoes and veil and that I can't touch them because she is going to get married with daddy!
She often says "daddy you always bossing me". About a month ago she came in my bathroom muttering under her breath in an annoyed voice one morning "Justin always bossing me, him brush me off, him get me dressed, him take me to school!" Next morning while eating her breakfast she told him she wanted oranges and he said after you eat your waffles. She replies "just give me oranges" he does and then she says "oh daddy I so proud of you, you stop bossing me!"
She loves our Beltway worship cd and loves the song "oh taste and see that the Lord is good" and we were listening to it the other day and she said "mommy turn up the Lord!" And she calls roaring like a lion song "Jesus is my lion" and she calls "Deep Cries Out" the "Di da da da di da da" song. She also loves to sing "I am free to run, I am free to dance, I am free to live for you" So precious! I love that she loves worship music!
One night we were praying and Ava tells me who to pray for so tonight at the end she said "and for Santa" so I said "and thank you for Santa" then she quickly said "no not for Santa, not for Santa, just Nana and Pop"
When we went to San Antonio for Christmas Ava calls it Santa Tonio and we think she thinks Santa lives there. She also said Elephant Tonio has elephants there.
When it snowed last month she excitedly yelled "Snow, we can make angels!"
As Ava is falling asleep tonight she says "mama I love you ... and daddy, I love him sooo much and Jett and I'm not going to hit Jett and I'm not going to say I don't love you ever again. Guess she just needed to get all of that off her chest before she went to sleep.
A few nights ago she said she wanted finger steaks for dinner (steak fingers)!
Ava Kate, you bring great joy to our lives!